Refunds will be given if a payment is made incorrectly or a card is swiped into Vasans’ account. Refunds are also available if the customer’s general medical condition changes, such as Cardiac, Pulmonary, or Endocrinal, making the patient unfit for the therapy.

Dental treatment outcomes (like with all medical treatments) are determined by a variety of factors, including the condition and progression of the underlying disease, the patient’s biology, pre- and post-treatment care, and the patient’s compliance. If Vasans Dental management, after reviewing the Vasans Dental Quality Processes, believes that the treatment outcome could have been better, they have the sole discretion to approve reimbursements.

Refund Process (Time required for the process to complete 15-30 days)
  • 1. The refund process will begin once the patient submits a written request with reasons. The request should have been initiated within six months.
    2. For a refund, the patient will provide paperwork, receipts, and x-rays. The patient will also return any Vasan-delivered dentures, crowns, aligners, failed implants, or ortho appliances to the treatment facility for a refund. There will be no refunds if the prosthesis is lost or the implant is not returned.
    3. The Vasan Quality Team will assess the refund request based on the facts and patient-provided records related to the underlying condition, and reserves the full and complete right to approve the above.
  • 4. Consultations, x-rays, diagnostic and treatment planning, and membership plans are not eligible for a refund and will be subtracted. Lab fees for prostheses, aligners, crowns, dentures, and other items will also be subtracted.

Refund Claims will not be eligible:

  1. 1. Treatment has begun, a part has been completed, a prosthesis has been fitted, or implants, brackets, or crowns have been ordered.
    2. The patient does not report for treatment for an extended period of time, and the condition deteriorates or the fit changes, as in the case of dentures, crowns, aligners, and so on.
    3. The treatment has been completed for 6 months, or the patient has received treatment at a facility other than Vasans Dental Care.
    4. The patient did not follow the instructions or failed to report for future treatment, such as implants or wearing retention plates in orthodontic therapy, as suggested.
    5. Aligners: If impressions or scans have been taken and aligners are ordered.
  2. 6. If the patient has not collected the aligner, crown, or denture and the ‘fit has changed’ as a result of tooth moving, new measurements are required.
    7. If the treatment is booked using ‘zero interest’ financing programs.


Warranty treatments:

1. Crowns/bridges under Lab warranty: The warranty covers the free replacement of a prosthesis (crown or bridge) if it cracks, chips, or falls out during the warranty period. To avail of the warranty, the crown must be returned.
2. If the crown or prosthesis is lost, the cost of remaking will be incurred.
3. The warranty is for the crown alone, not the tooth. Pain in the tooth does not qualify for a crown refund.
4. The guarantee does not cover tooth fractures, dental illness, or toothaches.


If a patient attempts to disparage Vasans or its doctors, management maintains the right to refuse the demand for a refund or retreatment. Vasans Dental Management retains the right to accept or refuse refund claims based on clinical findings and patient history. Management also reserves the right to accept or reject any further therapy if the patient does not follow the guidelines. Disputes, if any, are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Hyderabad courts, where the company has its registered office.